Sunday, September 12, 2010

hello again.

Hello everyone! :)

It's Sunday already, an end to a week or a beginning to a new one?? Whatever it is, it was a good last week and hopefully the coming week would be equally good or better!

So much has happened in the pas weeks that I've not talked about here in my blog yet, but maybe you would have known from twitter and FB.

A dear friend Asaph turned 21 last Friday? And it was a good to have almost everyone in a group to hang altogether again :)) (pictures in fB)

And last Friday also (September 3) was Mine and love's monthsary, for the 29th time :) an achievement really worth celebrating! If you've watched "Going the Distance" you'd get the idea of how difficult it is! And honestly this relationship wouldn't have lasted this long if not for him, because I'm always the weaker one :P & I'm not an easy girlfriend, I know I can be really demanding, spoiled, impatient and a real bitch so bravo yuki for putting up with me! Haha!

Yesterday, Ched and I played tour guide to my aunt and her fellow colleagues. They work for one of the famous attorny in the Philippines- Attorny Joji Alonso. She's the lawyer of some of the biggest stars in the Phil. and it's a real honour to be able to know some of the people who works for her. Had lunch with a few of the other lawyers in her firm, one is John Lloyd's aunt, and her daughter who was really really simple but with definite class. Felt really inferior to be around "big" people like that but at the same time inspired to be as successful as them! Right Ched? :P I wish he'd pursue law too! Because he's wayy too smart to be Chef!

Anyway walked from 9 to 9, literally, yesterday! Tried to cover most of the tourist spots here in Singapore. Pictures again in facebook but here's one just for this blog :P ...

In your face Venus Raj! Hahaha joke!

There you go! A moderately long entry to make up for all the days I've not blog. Till next time!!


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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