Monday, August 23, 2010


Like my new blog look? :) I doo.. ! And thanks love for the new banner :D I actually pretty much designed it but i owe to him for teaching me how to work with adobe photoshop :P

People are starting to go back to blog these days so no way am i going to be left out. I cant promise that i would be updating religiously but blame Jack Dorsey for Twitter!

Well well well.. in case you guys still don't know i am back in the Philippines right now. I wish i could say for good but nahh, I will be back in Singapore again on August 30 so don't miss me too much!

It was a really spontaneous trip back. The plan was i'd go back this coming November but stuffs happened and i really needed the break from it all. So i packed my bag (5kg of clothes) head to the airport and got myself on a flight back home. I didn't even inform my parents till after i bought the tickets :P

That was probably the most spontaneous thing i've ever done in my life! But every choices in my life has always been planned making my life safe and predictable= boring! It's good once in a while we get out of our comfort zone and do something really outrageous. Like temporarily elope with your bf hahaha!

I didn't do that of course. I would but my bf is too chicken! I actually wanted to go back to Boracay but i didn't have enough money saved and Yuki worries too much. Tsk!

So............................................................... That's what happened.
& ill blog again soon! taz!

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